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What companies do we share data with?

We take data security and privacy seriously. This page provides information about third-party companies and services that we use and share data with. We never share data unnecessarily, and make sure to choose partners who meet our privacy and security standards.

When sharing personal data, sometimes we need to transfer it outside of the European Union. We make a serious effort to protect this data: we follow GDPR regulations, and we want to keep our customers informed at all times.

Any provider we share our data with is thoroughly assessed, and subject to contract terms designed to ensure the proper processing of personal data.

The list below shows the service providers (sub-processors) and subsidiaries we use to deliver our services, where they are located, and a description of their purpose and the tasks they carry out.

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How do we deal with international data transfers? SCCs and supplementary measures

We use Data Protection Agreements (DPAs) with all the recipients of personal data (our providers). They always include the latest Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) as the valid legal transfer mechanism, to provide appropriate safeguards that ensure rights and effective legal remedies are available for individuals.

Where SCCs safeguards can’t provide an equivalent level of protection for data transferred to third countries, VideoAsk has included supplementary security measures to cover the risks identified in said countries.

VideoAsk enforces a security and privacy program that addresses the treatment of data from its collection, to the end of its lifecycle. We adopt a risk management cycle to properly identify, correct, remediate, and learn of any issue as swiftly as possible.

We don’t share respondent data

We don’t share any data provided by the respondents of your videoasks with anyone. There are two exceptions: Amazon Web Services (AWS), our infrastructure provider, where data is stored and managed; and Cloudflare, our Content Delivery Network or CDN, which allows us to provide our service faster, better, and more securely by helping us cache content, prevent abuse, provide DNS service and traffic management.

However, all our data is encrypted in transit and at rest, so not even our providers are able to access this data.

Finally, we keep the email address of anyone contacting us for support (customer, respondent, or visitor), as we register our interactions with them to improve our service and identify recurrent problems.

List of third-party services we use

Below you can find all the companies we may share data with, with an explanation of why. If you have any more questions about the data we share, please get in touch with our Support team by clicking the Videoask us button at the bottom of this page.

  • Respondent: anyone answering a videoask created by a customer
  • Customer: anyone with a VideoAsk account using VideoAsk services
  • Prospect: a potential VideoAsk customer

List of providers processing respondent data


List of providers processing customer data


Typeform subsidiaries (VideoAsk is a Typeform product)


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